This site is to express my views on a wide variety of subjects.  As time goes by I may narrow it down but for now I just see where it leads me. 
My Likes:  Cats, well all animals.  Books.  Movies.  Crafts.  Writing.  Pictures, anything good, scenery, animals, space, funny etc.  Puzzles.  And I love to Learn new things. 
Dislikes:   I watch the news but find a lot of it is very disturbing.  I can not stand to watch people or animals to be hurt.  And I can't abide people who knowingly hurts others to get what they want.
I believe family is important, and family can grow by adding those who you love and love you back.  They accept who you are without trying to change you and love you despite your faults.
About Me Page      Alice M
Other blog:

For the Love of Life! Alice's World​​!

As I add more content I may have to add more pages.  Please bear with me as I figure this out.  If you have any suggestions I would appreciate any input.  
The views expressed in this blog are mine, made freely and proudly!!!